Women of the Bible

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Women of the Bible

by Beverly Hammett


The women whose stories we find contained in the Word of God, offer to us many valuable lessons. In learning their stories, in seeing their humanness, we also see how much God loved and uplifted them, sometimes in spite of themselves – and how HE can do the same for us! There are stories of love and devotion, of faith lost and found, or prayers answered and of lives changed. These stories touch our hearts and compel us to reflect on the place of Biblical truths in our busy daily lives. Though the events happened thousands of years ago, they are still relevant today, because they deal with universal themes relevant to anybody, in any time.

There are stories of passion, rage, jealousy, loyalty, happiness, and grief. There are stories describing human events such as childbirth, death, battles, and migrations. There are women from every social level: Queens and peasant girls, slaves and princesses, saints and sinners. Taken together, the stories cover all of human experiences unique to women.

There are lessons on the life of Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, Miriam, Rahab, Ruth, Hannah, Esther, Mary, Mary and Martha, Mary Magdalene, and Elisabeth. Each chapter has a number of questions to consider as you ponder the connection of these women with your own life. Take Bible study to the next level by diving into the lives of these women of the Bible!

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