Oct. 15, 2009
As you know, i have had a deep burden for Africa since age 14 and spnt 22+ years in Congo and have ministered in Angola twice and Keya once. God willing I will be going to Mozambique and Angola in Feb. 2010. I will be praying for your ministry there. I would like to encourage those who minister there on a long term basis to do so in the tribal language. That is the language that speaks to the heart of tribal people. I know many there may have some knowledge of English but the language og the heart in all of Africa is the tribal language. Working through an interpreter short term is ok but I have known missionaries that did so for 5-10-15 years. If there is any way I can be of help in the ministry there please let me know. I taught an advanced pastors class in Kenya (the book of Revelation) and have taught many modular courses in the US on missions, theology, Bibliology etc.. In His glad service 61 years, Roy F. Dearmore, M.D.
Praise God! The time has come. We’re excited for you and the group too. I got so excited that I looked up the missionary that I visited in Africa when I was 19 to thank him for opening his home and ministry up to me to give me the insider’s view. It changed my life and thinking. I’m sure the guys won’t return home the same. We’ll be praying. Have a safe and spiritually blessed trip.
"A Missionary was never designed by Jesus Christ to gather a congregation of a hundred or two natives and sit down at his ease, as contented as if every sinner was converted, while thousands around him are eating each other's flesh and drinking each other's blood, living and dying without the gospel. For my own part, I cannot content myself within the narrow limits of a single reef." John Williams missionary to the South Sea Islands
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Oct. 15, 2009
As you know, i have had a deep burden for Africa since age 14 and spnt 22+ years in Congo and have ministered in Angola twice and Keya once. God willing I will be going to Mozambique and Angola in Feb. 2010. I will be praying for your ministry there. I would like to encourage those who minister there on a long term basis to do so in the tribal language. That is the language that speaks to the heart of tribal people. I know many there may have some knowledge of English but the language og the heart in all of Africa is the tribal language. Working through an interpreter short term is ok but I have known missionaries that did so for 5-10-15 years. If there is any way I can be of help in the ministry there please let me know. I taught an advanced pastors class in Kenya (the book of Revelation) and have taught many modular courses in the US on missions, theology, Bibliology etc.. In His glad service 61 years, Roy F. Dearmore, M.D.
Praise God! The time has come. We’re excited for you and the group too. I got so excited that I looked up the missionary that I visited in Africa when I was 19 to thank him for opening his home and ministry up to me to give me the insider’s view. It changed my life and thinking. I’m sure the guys won’t return home the same. We’ll be praying. Have a safe and spiritually blessed trip.