A word from Pastor Jonathan Purks regarding the passing of his father

by dhammett on August 24, 2010

Dear Friends,
As many of you have already heard, my Father, Pastor Louis Purks passed suddenly away yesterday morning at home due to medical complications. My mom was by his side when he passed into eternity. He was 59 years old and had pastored over 30 of those years. Recently he had preached the Wednesday evening service, taught a Biblical counseling institute course and a Sunday School class at Metropolitan Baptist Church. Needless to say the Lord gave him a very fruitful last week of life.

It is with a mixture of joy and sadness that I continue through the day. As I have told some of you, Heaven has gained a “brilliant warrior”, but we have lost one. I know Dad is in Heaven today with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ based on his personal testimony of salvation. His quick and sudden passing has been a shock to most of us and is a little difficult to grasp, but the reality is that no man knows when we too will depart this earth. As you reflect upon the memories of our beloved Pastor and friend, may each of you be spurred on to greater heights in your service of our King. May our relationship with the Lord grow deeper as we remember the love that Dad had for our God. May it encourage us to go and tell others about the wonderful salvation that has been provided which gives the hope of an eternal life in Heaven where we will dwell in the very presence of the King of all kings.

Please continue to pray for Mom, Julie, my family and I as we make the necessary plans and preparations. Words are simply not enough to express how grateful we are for your prayers, words of encouragement and support at this time. I believe I can truly speak for all of us, our ultimate desire in remembering the life of Louis Purks is to bring honor and glory to the God of Heaven. He spent his life serving Him and would want the memory of his death to do the same. Please know we love each of you just as Dad did and appreciate all you are doing to help us.

We will do our best to keep everyone up-to-date as plans are made.
Jonathan Purks
Pastor, Victory Baptist Church, Frederick, Md

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Mike Jester August 29, 2010 at 4:39 pm

I am sorry to hear about your Dad’s passing. Our deepest sympathy for your family. The man upstairs must have needed him more than us.

Mike Jester

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