There are 4 phases in the process…more tips available HERE.
Witnessing for Christ, Soul Winning, no matter how you describe it is the job of every committed Christian. At the link above you will find a free audio…click it and start learning how to witness now.
The business of witnessing is often seen as an insurmountable task. However it is actually simple when you break down the process into 4 phases and then pay attention to how to grow in each of the four areas. In
In this video you will find each are briefly described and a tip or two to help you be effective in the business of soul winning.
In addition a system of witnessing that properly lays the truth out for a person to make an intelligent and heart felt decision is needed. The free audio file that is offered in the link below will give you more information on 2 types of systems that are quite effective.
In addition you will learn The 3 Brakes that will silence your witness. Loosen those brakes and your witnessing can take off.
In the audio we also cover the 3 Mistakes that are so common in evangelism and can short-circuit your witness so it will not be effective.