God bless you in yor service and songs for Jesus aur Savior!
Your message in Christ go round hole the world.
Thank you and Jesus Christ!
A christien men i sweden.
God bless you in your service and songs for Jesus aur Savior!
Your message in Chist go round hole the world.
Thank you and Jesus Christ!
A christian memn i Sweden.
"A Missionary was never designed by Jesus Christ to gather a congregation of a hundred or two natives and sit down at his ease, as contented as if every sinner was converted, while thousands around him are eating each other's flesh and drinking each other's blood, living and dying without the gospel. For my own part, I cannot content myself within the narrow limits of a single reef." John Williams missionary to the South Sea Islands
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God bless you in yor service and songs for Jesus aur Savior!
Your message in Christ go round hole the world.
Thank you and Jesus Christ!
A christien men i sweden.
God bless you in your service and songs for Jesus aur Savior!
Your message in Chist go round hole the world.
Thank you and Jesus Christ!
A christian memn i Sweden.