The NEXT video is here!

by dhammett on June 17, 2011

So where do you start with a Church Planting Movement Strategy? At the beginning!

This video is one of a series…and posted here to entice you to join my newsletter list. If you join NOW you will get the whole series.

This video shows you the starting place of a Church Planting Movement. It is easy to make the mistake of starting in the wrong place. Don’t ERR by friend!

Watch and then sign up right now so you do not miss out..

(Sign up link is in top right corner of this page)

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Steve June 26, 2011 at 3:54 am

Hi Bro. Hammett!

I was just wondering, is the right video posted? I played it and it was a 57 second video of a cartoon asking me to sign up for the newsletter.
I am looking forward to learning all I can through these modules. Thank you for taking the time to post them here.

dhammett June 26, 2011 at 4:03 am

Indeed that is the right one. Do you like my tan? 🙂
The videos on missions strategy are posted inside the site and available for those that are signed up for the newsletter.
If you are signed up and somehow the email with the latest link did not get to you, please drop me an email and I will get that for you. (pdhammett @
Sorry for the confusion.

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