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A Short Explanation: Most of the material on this page is free. However, I am offering some materials for which I am asking a small amount of money. This is to help cover the expenses of serving here in Botswana that are not covered by support. While I believe what I am charging is way below what it is worth…I realize there are some who cannot afford that. If you are in that camp, please send me a note and explain. I will be happy to help those who need help. All I have is because of the Grace of God, so I hold nothing as personally my sole property. If I can help you, I will definitely do it. You will find the paid materials mostly under the Ebook category, and some of the Training options. I do hope you will take a look at these materials as we roll out some new things in the coming months.
–Douglas Hammett
Ebooks to Download
 Oabile Bringing Children to Salvation Christian Parenting University
 Pauline Challenges of a Homemaker Hiring Church Staff
 David  God’s Hook for Reaching Men Soul-Conscious Webinar
 Oupa In the School of God with Joseph Lo/Hi Missions Conference
Laison Keys to Discerning the Will of God Rabbit Trails Training 
(3-Legged Table Overview) 
Salvation Bible Basics Missions Strategy Module Training
  Scripture Diagram Graphics
  The Sermon Illustration
  Pathway Through Difficulty
  Signs and Wonders Uncovered
  Our Baptist Heritage
  NEW: Betrothal Ebooks
E.L. Bynum  Culture Adjustment Baptist Cameos
Louis A. Purks  Church Planting Strategies Sermons on Sermon Audio
Evangelism Tips & Help Quotes from the Founding Fathers
 Ministry Maps Year-End Inventory
 Lo/Hi Missions Conference
November 2009 Group Missions Training Module Information 
 January 2011 Group
 July 2011 Group